Request a demo together with us

Discover how AM System as a quality management system can improve and streamline your operations.

During our demo, you’ll get a walkthrough of our user-friendly QMS System – and how it can help your business maximize value while minimizing tedious work.

This is what you can expect from our demo:

  • A personalized walkthrough
  • Understand how AM System makes it easy to do the right thing across your organization
  • See how AM System can be tailored to fit your needs and workflows
  • Opportunity to ask questions directly

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Some of our customers


AM Systems platform at a glance

Our digital management system is designed to meet the needs of the manufacturing industry, helping you manage everything from documentation to case management and process mapping – smoothly, efficiently, and reliably.

Linking processes and homepages to documents and cases

Visualize your workflows with process mapping

Create clickable process maps that everyone understands – and update them effortlessly when things change. Build clarity with a visual standard that speaks for itself.

  • Clickable processes – no manual needed
  • Easily adaptable to changes
  • Everyone recognizes and understands how processes connect – no confusion
Document management with versioning and different editions

Full control of your documents

Ensure proper governance and ownership of your documentation with version control and history tracking – nothing gets lost. The right information reaches the right person, every time.

  • No more outdated versions – ever
  • Track who did what and when
  • Users only see the documents they need

Case management from one place. Build your case flows the way you want them.

Make sure the job gets done

Everything should just run smoothly. The system keeps track of what needs to be done, when, and by whom – ensuring tasks are completed on time.

  • Automate and free up time for more important and engaging work
  • Adapt the system to your needs
  • The right person, the right task, the right time – every time
Build workflows and forms with drag and drop

Customize everything - your way

Create forms and workflows that suit your business. With drag-and-drop functionality, you won’t need IT support.

  • Design workflows exactly as you want – hassle-free
  • Streamline processes with pre-built templates that are easy to adapt
  • Build forms and workflows with a wide range of fields and features
Management system with search engine for analyzing data

Accessible and transparent data

Data is worthless if you can’t find it. With our search engine, you can quickly locate everything from instructions and manuals to procedures, policies, and key data.

  • Find the right information in seconds
  • Analyze data to make faster (and smarter) decisions
  • Give your entire team a shared, real-time overview

The team

Get a demo with one of our experts

Meet our experts in manufacturing industry and management systems. Together they have over 50 years of combined experience. These knowledgeable professionals will guide you through a customized demo and show you how our solutions can streamline and improve your operations.

Mats Carpenter


Victoria Abrahamsson

Customer Success Manager

Kristoffer Johanson

Customer Success Manager


What our customers say about us

”Det vi verkligen värdesätter med AM System är att det är enkelt och flexibelt. Möjligheten att skapa formulär som kan anpassas till vår specifika verksamhet gör stor skillnad.”

Mark Leadly Plats- och Produktionschef – Lundgrens Sverige

”Vi valde AM System för att det är mångsidigt och kunde ersätta flera andra system. Tack vare en bra Onboarding kunde vi på 6 månader sortera rutiner, skapa nya processkartor samt utbilda internt och lansera det nya ledningssystemet - vilket känns otroligt snabbt.”

Josefine Karlsson Kvalité- och miljökoordinator - Fagerhult

”Utöver att effektivisera våra processer har AM System också hjälpt oss att leverera ett bättre värde till våra kunder. Det här är en lösning som inte bara hjälper oss idag utan också förbereder oss för framtiden.”

Leif Engberg Kvalitetschef - Hultdins

”Vi gjorde en ordentlig utvärdering av olika system och fastnade för AM Systems helhet för både dokument, ärenden och processer. Idag har vi en bra överblick. Alla avdelningar har skräddarsydda klickbara startsidor och kommer åt allt de behöver för att utföra sitt arbete.”

Johan Ericson Konstruktionschef - Log Max

”Vi har blivit effektivare och gjort stora besparingar med AM System. Vi hade olika system och behövde förbättra interna avvikelser, förbättringsförslag och reklamationer. Idag är allt samlat. Dessutom gick det snabbt och medarbetarna tycker det är lätt att använda.”

Tommy Säll Kvalitetschef - Pipelife