
MeetUP gathered AM Systems users in Borås

Last week, on November 23, it was once again time for MeetUP, AM Systems' customer event to gather and meet our wonderful users around the country. Customers who every day create control, efficiency and improvements in their various organizations.

MeetUp Borås AM System

This time MeetUP was organized in Borås, at . The theme of the day was "Involve more in your management system", where we, among other things, did a deep dive into the current topic of Supplier Management. Customer developers Victoria Abrahamsson and Kristoffer Johanson showed how AM System can be used to achieve better control and involvement of customers' most important suppliers.

Talare MeetUp

- "The most valuable thing we take away from the day is the realization of how we can use AM System for our supplier management. We can be much more efficient," says Stewart Ewing, who attended from Patria Helicopter.

There was also a workshop where the participants were divided into different track choices.

Workshop AM System


- "An interesting and requested element where customers could discuss how they work today and share value-creating experiences with each other," says Kristoffer Johanson at AM System.

After lunch, there was a session with Anders Norberg, who is part of AM System's development department. He told us more about why AM System's support is such an important part of the development team and also gave a sneak peek at how it will be improved.

Meetup AM System talaare

Anne Krantz Amour from the company Greif was another one who visited MeetUP.

- "I thought it was great to meet other customers and share experiences during the workshop. I got lots of ideas and inspiration for our continued work with the system, says Anne.


To the left: Anne Krantz Amour from the company Greif. On the right: Stewart Ewing from the company Patria Helicopter.

More comments

"Great organization of the day, with an introductory theme followed by a workshop with good discussions" - Lena Nilsson, Isiflo AB
"Inspiring day with many good discussions" - Karin Lundstedt, Holtab AB

About MeetUp

As a concept, MeetUP is a closer and more knowledge-driven customer event. A new opportunity will come in the spring of 2024, so just keep an eye out if you missed this opportunity in Borås.

MeetUp Am System fika

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